Känslosamt att besöka huset i Sunne

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My Great Great Grandfather Magnus was the last soldier in Sunne. There is still a home referred to as the last soldier’s home, where he lived. 

His youngest son, Olof, my great great grandpa, was born in that home. He traveled to the United States to make money. He would work nonstop during his visa period in the United States and then come home and move his family, to a bigger home. 

How difficult it must have been

We visited so many homes it is hard to recall all of them. I think of how his wife, Kristina sacrificed, living almost as a single mother for months at a time and how difficult it must have been to leave his entire family, culture, and language to make money to give his family food and shelter. 

Margareta tells us the story about Magnus last name:
"Magnus Borg got his name Borg when he went into soldierduty in Norra Borgeby, named Borg after that soldiercroft. North BORGeby and named BORG. That was cutym in Sweden in this parts of the country to name soldiers after the village they had there duty. 

At first Magnus was a soldier for Ås in Gullsby and than he had the name ÅSBOM. He is born as Eriksson, Eriks son not Pers son.. Per was his grandfather. Magnus father was ERIK Persson and he was a shoemaker in Gunnarsby".

The USA required him to shorten his name:  Magnus Per’s son from Norra Borgeby. After adopting the name Magnus Borg, when all of his son’s emigrated to the United States, Magnus had them all change their last name to Borg. 

Leaving for America

We were invited into a home in Tjustersby area. It has been restored. The homeowners gave us a tour, the layout is the same as when it was built, the original stove still usable in the kitchen, original fireplace in the living room and original chimney up through the attic. Absolutely beautiful. 

The owner of the house has a historical book. We find a paragraph stating that Olof Borg left this house for America in 1919 at the age of 19. To roam in his Sweden home, to put on my boots on the same stone step that he did in 1919 the day he left for Elis Island, it was remarkable. 

My wife snapped a picture of me sitting on that step and when we came back to visit with our children in 2018 we have a picture of our children on that same house stone step.


To roam in my great great grandpas
Sweden home, to put on my boots on the
same stone step that he did in 1919
the day he left for Elis Island,it was remarkable.

FUN FACT:  When first traveling in Sweden we noticed how prevalent the red homes with white trim are. Six years prior to our first visit we sided our small rural home south of Biscay, Minnesota. 

I didn’t realize at the time, but the Swede in me chose a red siding with white trim. The only home like that within a 60+ mile radius! 

/Allan Borg

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