That is when I decided that I will go to Sweden

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My Great Grandpa, Olof Borg was fascinating to me. He spoke English with such a thick accent that I asked when I was young, 

“Where is Grandpa Ole from?”
And the adults would say, “Sweden.”
“Where is Sweden?”
“It is across a huge ocean. It is so far away; you’ll never go there.”
I think that is when I decided that I will go to Sweden. 

Olof’s oldest son, Harry Borg said that Ole wouldn’t speak Swedish, only English. However, on occasion Olof would visit the local blacksmith who emigrated from Norway, and they would speak in native tongue to each other. 

The blacksmith asked Harry,“Is your father teaching you Svensk?” and Harry, slightly confused, would say, no. He only speaks that with you. The blacksmith said Harry should learn the language. But, Olof said, no, he is American he will speak English. 

This story reminds me of a picture we got a copy of the first time we visited Sweden. Olof had sent a picture of himself to his sister. 

He was wearing a hunting jacket, large brim hat, tall leather boots, a bow tie and holding a rifle. He looked like a cowboy with a bowtie. He wrote on the back, “I’m an American now!” 

/Allan Borg

Olof looked like a cowboy with
a bowtie. He wrote on the back of
the picture, “I’m an American now!”

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