Traditional wet market day
I definitely made the right decision when I left Indonesia to begin a new life here in Sweden. That being said I do have to admit there is one day each year when i wish I could have brought a certain part of Indonesian folklore here with me. The first Friday in May every year is the day Sunne holds its market.
Indonesia has a culture in which black magic and witch craft, if not encouraged are certainly not dismissed. For good or bad people look to witch doctors for help in all kinds of situations, one of which I think could come in quite handy here.
There is a belief that if the right spell is performed rain can be kept away on certain days of the month; this is useful if you are a hotel manager and planning a large barbeque, maybe staging an outdoor wedding or in the case of Sunne an open air market. In the 5 years I have lived here, im sure it’s rained hard every single market day. This year true to tradition it’s pouring down. Im not suggesting that everyone turns pagan but perhaps a little spell could save me getting bloody soaked again next year!
Everyone loves shopping at a market. There is a bustle and excitement that vibrates through the crowds making people stop and buy things which they don’t need but on an impulse think they can’t do without. The favourites here are sock and candy stalls, over the years the same stall holders have served different generations of the same families. And year after year shoppers follow (in the rain) an identical path of stalls which snakes its way around the town.
What makes this market special is not the fact that it’s the busiest day of the year or that streets are jammed full with people who have taken every parking spot in the town! What is so cool about market day here is the history. For most it’s like attending one big enormous reunion. Old friends stand talking (in the rain) catching up with people they haven’t seen since last market day. The shopping is actually pretty basic and too be honest most of the stalls are selling the same things, that’s not important though. The carnival has started. A carousel spins the whole day, kids are screaming with sheer joy and Sunne is doing what it does best, having fun. (In the rain)