You always remember your first

One of the very cool benefits of living in the country is that often you get the chance to see wild life close up and personal. During winter elk and deer walk through my garden almost every day, allowing me a grandstand view through the window. The first time I saw one of these magnificent beasts it was an incredible feeling, one that never gets any less exciting no matter how many times it happens.
Scotland is no longer home to any of the big 4 predators, but here it’s still possible to see wolves, wild boar, lynx, and even bears. Im not saying that I would like to actually have bears in my garden. But the knowledge that they are roaming around the forests of Värmland brings with it a certain magical anticipation every time I walk in the woods behind my house. My first close up encounter with an elk was a very surreal meeting. Anna and I had travelled by supporters’ bus to watch an ice hockey game in Karlstad. The bus was full and there was a great atmosphere with lots of singing helped along by liquid courage in the form of one or two beers. The game didn’t turn out well for our team; we lost 3-2 after being 2-0 ahead. The bus was not such a happy place as we set off on our journey home. Almost immediately into the drive a few fans who had been very quiet on the way down began to sing, they were not Färiestad fans like the rest of us, they supported the opposition team. Fuelled with beer and high on an unexpected victory they found courage enough to celebrate by singing their teams songs. This of course didn’t go down so well with us and soon they were drowned out by singing from the rest of the bus. Suddenly without any warning, the bus stopped and the interior lights came on. I thought for a moment that the driver must be a Timrå fan and was going to tell us all to shut up. Then I saw the Elk, it was standing directly in front of the bus, its whole body was lit up by our headlights. It had a massive head adorned with a full set of antlers; the impression was of something both ugly and somehow beautiful at the same time. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. No one else seemed to notice infact I don’t think they even realised the bus had stopped. People were still singing and insults were now flying back and forward between the two sets of fans.
I had the strangest feelings running through me; I was staring into the eyes of this enormous, amazing wild beast that stood before me perfectly still and seemingly completely calm and unafraid. I looked around me; no one else was paying it any attention at all. I stood up and slowly walked towards the front of the bus. Just as I reached the drivers chair, only a few feet away from the elk everything changed. All in one fluid motion it seemed to lift its head, shake its antlers, wink at me then move out of the headlights and disappear. “Did you see that I asked the driver?” “Yes it was an elk; now get back in your seat.” Sitting back in my seat I asked Anna “did you see that elk wink at me?”. She looked at me and smiled, No I didn’t, but this is going to be the story you tell everyone when you talk about the first time you saw an elk isn’t it?

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